Marketing effort creates international awareness

‘Talent is a gift…to be nurtured and developed’ is the theme of a campaign aimed at creating awareness for the Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation and its objectives.

Young singers appreciate unique mentoring opportunity

Dame Kiri sets aside time to mentor and coach small groups of singers at her home – usually in the company of selected professional colleagues

Hawaii masterclass and fundraiser

During a recent concert tour in Hawaii Dame Kiri took time out to help local students and some fundraising activity.

United Kingdom Foundation news

The Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation (UK) is a Charitable Trust established by Dame Kiri in the United Kingdom as a separate organisation with no legal connection to the Kiri Te...

Masterclass at Opera Studio Melbourne

Words of advice, wisdom, insight and the occasional extra treat of demonstration were generously imparted, and our singers equipped themselves beautifully in a highly pressured situation

Ka Mate - A maori war song breathes new life

Possibly inspired by the widely seen footage, a composer using the nom de plume Terangi Hikiroa honoured the Maori soldiers with a ‘Maori War Song’