Jonathan Abernethy wins 2014 Opera Awards

Earlier this month NZ tenor Jonathan Abernethy was named as the winner of the 2014 Opera Awards (Australia).

Phillip Rhodes making his mark

Philip Rhodes returns to the UK for performances in English National Opera’s new opera by Tansy Davies

Andri Róbertsson reports from Switzerland

Twenty four year-old Icelandic bass-baritone Andri Róbertsson was nominated as the ́Brightest Hope in Classical Music ́at the 2013 Icelandic Music Awards.

Bianca Andrew embarks on her musical journey

In the last edition of Aria we reported that the young NZ mezzo soprano Bianca Andrew had received a Foundation tuition grant.

James Ioelu at home in The Big Apple

It may sound idyllic, maybe even a little romantic. However, getting here has been a long journey filled with many life lessons.

Kawiti Waetford’s letter from Cardiff

After a surprisingly beautiful, yet short, British summer we are now back into the start of another academic year